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My beautiful picture

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Going to the chapel….” A story of how love can triumph against the odds. ..  by Shehanne Moore.

When my girls here…


were wee I made friends —


(That’s a wedding photo booth joke pic by the way ) with  a great couple who had two boys..ok  and who ARE pictured above!  We would  joke  we should just arrange their marriages to each other, save a lot of bother, our kids getting their hearts busted for starters.  We liked each other as families and the boys were great boys, handsome, good nice guys to this day.  Down the years we often reminded ourselves of that joke when we saw our children get hurt, make mistakes, choose partners we could see were wrong for them, have their hearts broken to bits.

I also had another friend,  a lady I taught. She spoke a lot about a woman she knew and her son, Daniel.


Daniel was quite a looker apparently. Suddenly, at the grand old age of 17  he was working part time beside my daughter 18, in the local co-op. (Quite a place for romance, all  of you ‘looking for just that out there.’ My other daughter also met her partner there too).  

Daniel was quite a looker, young vibrant–as I noticed one night she asked me if I could run him home to Tayport. Despite the fact it was miles away and me and Coreen were just going up the road. I  thought…no problemo…. Are you kidding?

I watched them talking in the car mirror that night. And I just knew my daughter’s name was going to be Coreen Pow one day and it had nothing to do with how Daniel looked and everything to do with the way they looked and how they acted together. They just seemed right. NUTZ I thought. In fact, certify me now.


That Christmas holiday Daniel was leaving for Stirling Uni and I guess Cor made her move on the night out. He did too. He also said he would phone her to arrange to go out.  It was an early instance of let down.  Daniel was a player she said and full of himself.

That did not tally with the person who my other friend had talked about over and over.


Years passed.. A lot of years. Down them I watched my girl make every mistake going in some ways, watched her trying to make things work with men I knew it would never work with, watched her getting hurt by men I’m going to be exceedingly polite about,  listened to her crying down the phone having been walked out on by some boy who wasn’t worth the time of day she thought she was making a life with and who ‘thought’ he’d come back the day we’d to help her move out of the house he’d just had to have,  watched her having her life put on hold.  I also watched her and Daniel never quite letting go of the other in terms of keeping in touch.  Every time  there was a break up, I’d say I still see you with him and I am never wrong. She’d go titz.

daniel-coreen-preview-25 Whenever she was free, he was with someone. Whenever he was free, she was with someone. Eventually after something like 12 years, they were both on online dating. She told me she had clocked him there. I told her what I still saw. You could hear the going titz and the ‘would I drop it’ halfway to the North Pole. BUT they were advising each other online……


About dates…. One night, having had yet another lousy date they were advising each other when Daniel said ‘ I don’t suppose if I asked you out you’d come?’

Coreen said, ‘Are you finally asking me?’


This was just so they could advise each other some more as friends. Within months they were engaged.  They’re my beacon of hope about love because they work brilliantly together.  All that time apart has brought them close together. 

And I had a great day on Saturday.  From the business of the wedding being moved outside at 8 am and then 93 chairs being moved back inside …many of them already occupied…at 12 30 when it started to rain. Moved by groom and guests and hotel staff too cos there was like 30 mins to go. Of the sun coming out again so we could all enjoy the drink’s reception in the beautiful grounds with a saxophonist playing the best of songs…….





To mah wee grandbaby walking hand in hand with the flowers girls through half the hotel corridors with the rings, then saying NUT to taking rings and girls down the aisle. (He did eventually) To my younger girl’s dress bursting down the back just BEFORE the meal so I had to assure her I would do my Indiana Jones bit and think of something. She sneered at kirby grips….

 It was one of the best days I always knew in my heart of hearts would happen.

Ps –my friend’s two sons have found the happiness they deserve too. 

I’ll leave you with some more piccies……and the hope we all find our right place. wedding-787787wedding-31


My beautiful picture












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