The Starkadder Sisterhood. London Jewel Thieves

Who or what is the Starkadder Sisterhood? The London Jewel Thieves? Well, as you can see below, they are the lovely ladies who have spent their lives stealing for Nicodemus Starkadder…. Now fortunately deceased…. staradderMurdered, in fact. But even before he met his timely end, some of the ladies had already escaped.  And were doing quite nicely too–Loving Lady Lazuli–until the past caught up,

Each of the girls has the name of a precious jewel.  lockt

Each of them has their own story to tell, or, like

frame for pearl

 feature in other stories. Each of them has an attribute of that jewel. For more on the sisters see here.

Some of the  Sisterhood were not actually ‘sisters,’ but general skivvies to the ladies.

Out now from  Black Wolf Books 1. Sapphire +Ruby and Pearl.


Book Two from Black Wolf Books  – Splendor – Skivvy Splendor  + Topaz

The Guest Blogs


It’s Christmas Eve and having nicked a necklace you accept a lift home but the coach slows. Sapphire, Pearl, Ruby, Amber, Jade, Splendor or Diamond? Which Jewel Thief are you? With Elyzabeth M Valey.




40 thoughts on “The Starkadder Sisterhood. London Jewel Thieves”

  1. Book 1 so there is a sequel in the making? ooh now that sounds even more interesting? Was already interested with al the thieving women. How many hearts did they steal ha ha poor me

    • OOOH! well my gals–jewel thieves or not—steal the hearts. But yeah, I want to write about each of half way through Splendor’s story and got Diamond, Amber and Jade’s worked out. But also got a wee thing going on the Vikings that is nothing to do with the Starkadder sisterhood!

  2. So we see where the girls came from. Ooh nice and then there are Vikings to. the story gets more and more interesting plot thickens. Ooh do look froward now on both books ha ha

  3. I know,. I so know, not to go like my Sunday.story ::D

  4. My husband says all married sex is gratuitous in one way or another. 🙂 I love the look of your upcoming series. Happy New Year to you and Ranting.

  5. This is all very intriguing. 🙂

    Je viens prendre soin de l’amitié que j’ai envers vous
    Mon amitié c’est comme une clé je la range toujours à sa place

    Certaines amitiés sont cassables
    Mais une amitié ne se détériore pas et se brise pas
    Bon dimanche , belle semaine à venir

    Bonheur dans votre demeure
    Bises Bernard

  7. Bonjour SHEHANNE
    Je passe sur ton blog
    Pour lire les nouveautés
    Que tu as pu écrire
    Tes poésies ou autres
    Je te dépose une petite pensée
    J’espère une petite note de gaité
    Pour agrémenter ta journée
    Je te laisse un sourire
    Pour apporter dans ton cœur
    Un petit instant de bonheur
    Belle journée, bisous , Bernard

  8. Bonsoir SHENANNE
    Un regard, un sourire et une main
    Chaleureuse sur l’épaule
    Valent mieux qu’un million
    De mots ou de phrases
    Ce que sent le cœur est plus profond
    Que ce qu’entends l’oreille
    Je te remercie d’être là par ton amitié
    Je te souhaite une belle fin de semaine
    Un agréable week-end
    Avec de la joie et du bonheur au sein de ta demeure
    Bises, amitié
    Ce jour chez moi quelques flocons de neige sans plus

    • Lydia, Just coming popping out of the editing cave here-don’t want my ed shrieking where’s that book you signed on the dotted line for, and I have just seen this in my Everest mail mountain. I am truly touched by your lovely words and your kindness in doing this. Really and truly. There’s days you wonder what you are doing it all for but then you get a lovely boost like this xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. Hey very nice blog!|

  10. Bonjour ou Bonsoir SHEHANNE

    De te connaître c’est le bonheur
    C’est ce qu’il y a de meilleur
    T’offrir se partage cela viens du cœur
    De t’avoir parmi mes amis c’est de l’or
    C’est plus qu’un trésor
    Je me sens plus fort
    Chacun de tes passages est réconfort
    Alors à toi je dis merci
    Grâce à toi je souris
    Car tout ce que j’avais envie,

    C’était de te dire merci, merci d’être mon Ami

    Bonne journée ou soirée

    Gros bisous


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