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Up in the air in a lovely balloon, just like Phileas Fogg — look not just hot chairs we have here, it’s hot air too.


Have to say I like this one though-


The other day, as you know we had a fabulous post from the muchos-talented Mz Antonia Van Zandt, who had sufficiently recovered from her ordeal in the woods with her hero of Vienna Valentine, Karl —- https://shehannemoore.wordpress.com/2013/03/04/normal-service-is-resumed-return-of-the-chair/    ——to brave a return here.

Although, when it came to talking of Vienna,  she did noticeably stay away from the woods to concentrate on this instead—-



SO today, today we move on, yes to have tea for two….and don’t these cupcakes to offer today’s guest, bribe the poor girl abut coming along,  look mouth-watering….bevs caks

No. get up off the floor, I haven’t been taking lessons, but I do kiss the cakes of talent. I eat them too. So, you get a mo check out these absolute feasts.


Bev did my Lady Fury cake. The artistry is yummy. She’s an ultra creative girl. So …today’s guest is like me a debut author. I have to tell you the surreal feeling that was at the weekend when between games of pool and bouts of boozing and hillying, my pal Lora kept telling me what bit she was on in the book. ‘Course I had to button my beak — for once– and refuse to tell her what happened next. It’s why my arm is in a sling right now. Only joking.

But being a debut,  I am going to be gentle with Noelle, here today all the way from the land of Oz but joining us on the world tour. So fanfare for Mz Clarke AND her guest blog on Cambodia. Quite a country for a book setting…And may I say, having got the book, quite a book too.

noel                                        Noelle Clark

Location! Location!

My debut novel, Let Angels Fly, is set against the exotic – yet harsh – backdrop of Cambodia, a country of abject poverty, and with a history which made it an unlikely contender for a romantic location.

I fell in love with the happy, kind and friendly Cambodian people on a visit there last year. It’s a country I would like to spend more time in, especially as a volunteer in one of the orphanages.

My heroine, Abbie, does just this! She sets off for the adventure of a lifetime after suffering the pain of rejection. Now free from her long, loveless marriage, she digs deep to find the courage to get on with life.

Craig, the handsome and charming hero, also bears scars. Together they embark on a journey of renewal and healing.


The magnificent ancient temples of Angkor Wat are the stars of this story. Built for Khmer kings thousands of years ago, the mysterious stone structures have secrets of their own.

The setting is perfect for a story of suspense, intrigue, and action. Abbie finds herself in the midst of a sinister plot which has dire consequences for the ancient ruins. She tries to intervene, but places herself in danger.

Meanwhile, romance blossoms for Abbie and Craig, but it’s not a smooth pathway. Abbie’s curiosity draws her in, and very nearly ends up tragically, when Craig tries to help her. The incident forces them to face the reality of their feelings for one another.

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I’ve included a cast of supporting characters who reflect the lovely Cambodian people. They brighten up the story with their quiet charm. The town of Siem Reap, and the nearby Angkor Wat temples, are showcased in this book.


Could I have set this story anywhere else? Possibly, but few countries that I’ve visited have left me so impressed with not only the beauty of the scenery, but also with the inner beauty of the people.


My hope is that anyone who reads ‘Let Angels Fly’ will themselves feel the call to visit Cambodia, and see for themselves all that it has to offer.LetAngelsFly_ByNoelleClark-133x200


Let Angels Fly is published by Etopia Press and now available for purchase from Amazon.com (as well as their European sites in England, Germany, and France), Barnes & Noble, Kobo, All Romance e-Books and Sony.

You can connect with Noelle here. She’s a lovely, friendly lady…like all us romance writers…ahem.


Noelle Clark Facebook page

Noelle Clark on Twitter

next up…oooooh…it’s finally GENOA…..