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And look….how pretty too!


Horror writer Cat…I always feel you have to watch not to put any commas in there round about the word horror, when Cat Cavendish isn’t just  a lovely lady but a fabulous writer too, with two super recent releases, Miss Abigail’s Room and The Second Wife to prove it. A really interesting blog too. Anyway Cat helped make my Friday release day very special by awarding me this.

I’ve been so tied up meeting myself coming back on guest blogging and partying of course, oh and reading some dare I look at these,  Amazon UK reviews through my fingertips, AND getting the Cam done on my newly signed for book, his Judas Bride, I have hardly had time to sit down here at my new nice mouse mat100_1833

courtesy of my pal Lora, and answer the Award questions.

But today, I will. The Sunshine Award is a lovely sunny flower that bloggers give to other “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”.

Thanks so much to   – the  fabulous blogger



Catherine Cavendish who passed the award to me. When I was first  signed by Etopia last July and had to get a web presence from scratch, Cat’s was one of the first blogs I looked at.  I thought her articles were wonderful and informative. her latest on the real Agatha Christie is amazing. She’s also a really nice person. (Okay Cat you can let go me arm now). So I can say the following….Ouch . I got questions to answer.

As with most awards, the Sunshine Award comes with a few simple rules:
(1) Thank the person who gave you the award in your blog post.

(2) Do the Q&A below

(3) Pass on the award to 10-12 deserving and inspiring bloggers, inform them and link to their blogs.

Favourite Colour: I was always a black, gothie, kinda girl. Nails, Clothes the lot. Of course there’s those who say it ain’t a colour, colours are so beautiful, especially shades of blue and red, I can’t choose.


Favourite Animal: Hmm difficult, my younger girl had a hamster who proved to be adorable. (After I sort of rowed with Mr Shey about Sly coming into the house when she sort of landed back on us  to stay–t  emergency situation– then told her I so much as saw or smelt Sly, he was out.)  But he was a sweetie, made fancy patterns with his food and everything. I love baby lion cubs. Just look at this. I bet that’s how the Beaumont heir turned out, the firecrackers Fury and Flint are…….

baby lion

Favourite Number: The one that shows I’m not overdrawn this month

Favourite Non-alcoholic drink: Don’t be silly. I hate them all.

Facebook or Twitter: Neither. Both are necessary evils if you are an author.

Your Passion: Writing. Anything that’s hunky. Sorry was that passions?

Giving or getting presents: Aw c’mon.  You want me to be nice here or truthful?

Favourite Day: Christmas Day.

Favourite Flowers: Bougainvilleas.

Finally, these are the 12 fantastic bloggers I’m tagging for this award (Now, I’m off to tell them, so maybe they’ll have posts up in a day or two. If not, at least you can look  around some terrific sites!):
Antonia Van Zandt htto://antoniavanzandt.blogspot.com/
Advocatemmmohanaksharaalu http:advocatemmmohanaksharaalu.wordpress.com